Friday, May 29, 2009

SirJolt - No Longer Norwegian

Marc's sunburned-Jane-style blog post...

First off, "No Longer Norwegian" is in the running with "Humanzee" as a potential book title for Jane and I. I like Humanzee more, but I'll have to ask Jane what she thinks. No Longer Norwegian has promise as long as it's not related to the plot in any way. The only other thing on my mind at the moment is that I've pinched a nerve in my shoulder at some point in the last 24 hours. It stopped me from sleeping last night, so I watched Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (which I heavily recommend) instead.

Just thought I'd say, pinched nerves are crap. Normally I'd have Katie address the issue, but she's nowhere to be found and I have to go to work. This leaves me in an awkward position with regard the whole typing business.



Flash said...

Humanzee sounds too much like Jumanji.

Also, you can' heavily recommend something. You can strongly recommend but not heavily

SirJolt said...

I write pretty shakily lately, I'm hoping being a working writer will give me the time to address that again :)